Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Say goodbye to 24!


I had a weigh-in today and I am 24 pounds down! Wahoo! I still have a lot to go, but I am good with that number so far.

I also celebrated turning 31! It all started with the best surprise a girl could ask for. My dear, sweet, amazing friends gave me a surprise party at our girl's night :) I was so surprised! Good job girls! That following Thursday (a day before my birthday), I received flowers and lunch from my coworkers! The next day, I received a gift and another free lunch from my big boss! Couple all of that with love and gifts from my family and friends...I had the best 31st! Also, my inbox was flooded with people sharing good deeds they did for others. Blessing others is truly the greatest gift. I know that each one of them were smiling, and that is ENOUGH for me :)

I am starting to incorporate exercise into my routine. I am hoping this continues on the track of the pounds falling off. I am HOPING that dress fits in March. It is still SUPER SNUG, so if not by March, then by April....BUT I really want it to fit in March :)

Speaking of March...I want to put my goal for the month out here. Telling you guys helps to keep me accountable. I mean, I can't let you guys down ;) So for March, my goal is to lose 10-12 pounds. I think it is doable. I will update if it comes off quicker and set that goal a little higher!

P.S. If you are wanting to change your way of eating, let's chat! We can share tips and recipes that will help each other out! I LOVE having people (especially ones I love!) to talk to.

One of my friends made me a gift with this on it: She believed she could, so she did.

Ladies, I can do this. We can do this.

Hope you all have an amazing day!


Thursday, February 18, 2016

It's been a minute...

Wow! Life has been a whirlwind! I started a new job and I could not be happier! It has definitely lifted my spirits and made me feel more appreciated :)

So, with the new job (this is not an excuse, I am just being honest), I fell off of my eating plan a little bit...BUT, I am happy to say I am back on it! Life throws us a curve ball sometimes, but we just have to get back in the box and keep swinging :)

I went to my weigh in and lost a pound. One measly But, it is because I did not stick to the plan. Next week, I should have much better results as I am back on the straight and narrow. But hey, a pound is a pound!

Would I go back and change that? Meh...probably not. I ate king cake for Mardi Gras, had an ice cream date with my babies, and had a Subway sandwich one day for lunch.

I can't make any promises how consistent I will be in updating the blog, but I will try really hard for once a week. I would love to have a forum for all of us to share recipes, encouragement, etc.

P.S. For my birthday tomorrow, I bought myself a barbell and some weights! Time to bring the gym to me :)

I will update soon!

I will give a total next week of total pounds lost thus far!

Have a FABULOUS day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week 3 Weigh In

Well, week 3 has come and gone. We have moved my appointments to every other week, so I weighed in from home this morning! I lost 3 pounds! I am at a grand total of 18 so far! WAHOO! I am stoked!

Before you think it has been rainbows and hasn't. Some days are easy breezy, and some are just downright hard. Have I cheated? Yes. Did I get back on track afterwards? Yes. It is about balance...balance in moderation.

I tried a spaghetti squash recipe I saw on facebook with the exception of grilled chicken instead of fried chicken. It was DELICIOUS! I will post the recipe and a picture of the sauce I used as well! The sauce is much better for you than Ragu...which I typically buy.

I couldn't find the link, but it is Chicken Parmesan Spaghetti Squash! Super easy and tasty! Below is my before and after. I was full, so I did not eat all of the squash :)

I also made some zucchini chips this weekend! I managed to cut off a chunk of my pinky finger in the process, but after it was all wrapped up (and will be for a looooong time) I made the chips! They were delicious! Slice and season and bake for 2 hours at 225!

Shout out to the best nurses ever! My dad took care of the bandaging and my mom bathed my kiddos! Love you guys!


My poor

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Week 2 Weigh in!


Sorry I waited a week to update! But, I have LOADS to share!

First things first: Today's weigh in was a success! I lost 3.2 pounds bringing my two week total to 15.2! I am thrilled! My goal each week is to lose between 2-3, so I was pleased :)

I was so excited this past week to get the go ahead to incorporate veggies! Y'all...I could not wait to get my hands on some broccoli and mushrooms! Delish! I have figured out different ways, spices, seasonings to keep things fresh and new. I mean, I have to not get in a rut if I want to be successful!

I plan to incorporate some workouts from home starting now. I may have to up my intake of protein carbs. I will just see how I feel after some workouts. I would love to answer any questions any of you may have about the program. Obviously, I am a newbie, but I would be happy to share what I have learned and what I will learn!

So...second thing....drumroll....I got a NEW JOB! WAHOO! I start on February 1st! I will be working on the Property Development team at Vantage! I will get to do Interior Design, as well as many other duties! I am VERY EXCITED to say the least!

And now to the ugly...bahahahaha. I CRAVED ice cream, mexican food, and bread this week. Like I REALLY wanted it. BUT, I refrained. Did it stink when I really wanted it? Yes. Was I pumped the next day when I knew I passed it up? Yes.

For the phase of getting the weight off, I will mostly stick to only the things that I can have. The further I get in the program, the more they will help me incorporate some of those things I love. However, I will be eating for my birthday, and heck, I will probably have dessert that day too! I have one life and I am going to enjoy it! I enjoy losing the weight and once in a blue moon, I will enjoy a meal I am craving (in moderation of course). I am learning how to balance and what I need to do.

So, today starts week 3. BRING IT ON. (I was eating my string cheese snack as I typed this) I am so ready to see where I am this summer. I want to wear shorts in public, I have not worn shorts in like 5-6 years. I am ready to wear a tank top and feel comfortable. I will do it . I WILL PERSEVERE.

Love y'all!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Week 1 Weigh In

The day has finally come. My first weigh in. Last night I laid in the bed wondering what would happen. I knew some weight would come off, but I wanted to see a good number! The first week is the hardest, so I wanted my numbers to reflect that.

5:30: Time to wake up! I had to wake up early to get myself and the kiddos ready in order to make my 7:15 appt! As I got out of the bed, I knew it was going to be a great day. Why? I knew I at least lost a pound. I was hoping for five, so we shall see. I got myself dressed, kiddos dressed and fed, and out the door we went!

Harper Grace started drop off with a boom! She was so excited for school this morning and wanted to hold my hand all the way to her YES! So, back to the car I go with nothing but a smile on my face!

I get back to the warm car only to be greeted by Beckett roaring like a dinosaur (the car was locked and runs without! Since my appointments are in West Monroe, Beck gets to come along. Off we went. Beck telling me about bears, dinos, and anything you can imagine set the tone for the drive. It was full of laughter and silliness.

We arrive at the office and the ladies at the office are greeted with a strong "good morning" from Beckett (that little turkey is going to be a ladies' man for sure!), sign my name, and wait to weigh. We walk the room and I see the scale. The time has come. I take off my shoes (the scale measures all types of things so you must be barefoot) and step on the scale.

The nurse said "Awesome!" I opened my eyes and was THRILLED! I had lost 12 pounds! I wanted to break out and dance at that instant! I kept my sanity in check and replied with "Yay!!" I mean, it is my second time meeting these ladies...I can't scare them yet. ;)

I go to the nutritionist office and get the list of approved foods for Week 2 and beyond! Week 1 consisted of  meat and eggs. I had to load my body up on protein and clear out all of the junk in it. I now get to add in approved vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats (all in moderation). Let the menu planning and shopping begin! I mean, I love chicken, fish, shrimp, deer meat....but let's face it, this girl is ready for some broccoli, zucchini, etc! I also got some peanut butter protein bars (after she let me sample) and they are delicious! Now I have something to curb that "sweet tooth" when it rears it's head! I mean, how can I not have a sweet tooth...I own a cupcake business for goodness sake!

I know the weight will not fall off that much every week, and I am okay with that. I am aiming for 2-3 pounds per week in order to make this a lifestyle change. However, losing 12 in week 1 sure is a motivator!

A shout out to my close group of Flawesome ladies! You ladies gave me nothing but smiles from ear to ear this morning!!

Love you all!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Well Hello Monday :)

First of all, I hope you all had a great weekend!

My weekend got even better last night at 6:00 when my babies got home! They gave me so many hugs, kisses, and snuggles. I am blessed. I love them and they love me. We played some games, shared lots of tickles, and snuggled up to watch Nemo at bedtime. I would not trade those moments for anything in this world. Those amazing moments are what gets me through when they are with their dad. I know what to expect when they return!

As far as eating healthier, it is going fantastic. Can you guys believe I have not had ketchup, icees, or cheese?! I almost can't believe it myself! I am only on day 5, but she said the first 7 are the if that is the case, WOOT WOOT!

I go for my week 1 weigh in Wednesday morning before work. Hopefully all goes well :) I should be released to start exercising, fingers crossed! I can already tell a different in my mindset. I am starting to see that I should "eat to live, and not live to eat." I had heard this several times before, but it has never made an impact like I feel it is doing now.

In week 1, one of the goals is to send your body in ketosis. Ketosis signifies that fatty tissue is being burned and that stored carbohydrates have been depleted. The first day I was supposed to test was day 4. My test showed that I am! I did again this morning (this will be daily until the nutritionist says not to), and all is still well.

I am enjoying trying some different approved spices. Mrs. Dash Fiesta Lime seasoning is AMAZING! I urge you to try if it you have not. It takes chicken and shrimp to a whole new level.

Something else I am loving is meal planning. I like planning everything and packing my lunch. That way, I am not tempted to eat something not approved in this process, as I still have tons to learn and don't want to jeopardize anything or my progress. I am learning portion size, so that when I actually do eat somewhere other than my house, I will know how much. Don't judge me if I have my scale with me to weigh

I hope y'all have an amazing week and I will update again on Wednesday after my week 1 weigh in.

Love y'all and God Bless!

Friday, January 8, 2016


Yesterday was amazing! I received so much love from my family and friends on my first post. I love you guys. Your comments, texts, and messages made me feel amazing and even more motivated to succeed in 2016!

I started the new eating program I am on yesterday. I am pleased to say, I was successful. I know that is only one day, but the nutritionist told me the first week is so hard. So, one down...6 to go!

I mentioned nutritionist. Yep. I have one. You see, I have tried many different methods to changing my eating style, and just have not found one that I can maintain. She has opened my eyes up even in the first week choices (when there really aren't many). But, she tells me different ways of cooking, spicing, etc. I LOVE having someone actually sit down and explain the food groups to me and not just try to shove salads and fruit in my face constantly. I am also on a couple of vitamins to help me get the nutrients I will be missing for a bit. That is very important to me as well.

My first weigh in is next Wednesday. I will go for weekly weigh-in's and meetings with my nutritionist. At first, I thought, seriously? Weekly? BUT...I quickly realized this was going to be very beneficial! ACCOUNTABILITY! I will know I am going to be weighed weekly, and let's just be real...who wants to see numbers go up? NOT ME! I have never been one to weigh myself all the time. I typically go by how I feel in my clothes, so this will be new for me. When I reach my goal, I will not be weighing weekly. Maybe monthly. I don't want to get caught up in strictly the numbers game if my clothes still fit how I want them to at that point.

I also ordered a cute chambray dress a size smaller yesterday. I will hang it in my closet so it stares at me every single time I open the door. I WILL wear it by March. I WILL post a pic of me wearing it when it fits :)

Here is the dress:

I hope you all have an amazing Friday and a fabulous weekend! I don't know if I will blog on the weekend, so...see ya Monday!